Section 2
Developing an overview of paediatric research
and where your interest lies
It’s good to have a broad overview of different areas of paediatric research as well as developing an interest in more specific area(s). It’s also worth considering if this is more lab-based, clinically or public health focused.
Some possible areas to start are:
a. Online global health websites, YouTube channels and podcasts (more below)
I. Lancet Global Health, BMJ global health podcasts
ii. LSHTM YouTube & Global Health Lecture series, UCL,
iii. Oxford Tropical health podcasts
Can also explore more humanitarian and advocacy-based models to global health
iv. Partners in health podcasts,
v. Global health beyond medicine
b. Reading (and links to Twitter, blogs etc.)
i. Weekly research overviews e.g. MSF Global Health Review, Lancet Global Health, BMJ Global Health
ii. Overviews e.g. Lancet Global Health Series on newborn health, adolescence, malnutrition
iii. Future Learn Online Courses e.g. Improving the Health of Women, Children and Adolescents: From evidence to action.
c. Attending (including online)
i. Public lectures of global health institutions (e.g. LSHTM,) or organizations involved in overseas health: (RSTMH, HCRI)
ii. Seminars from global health sections of different institutions: e.g. RCPCH (ICHG), RSM, RCPCH,
iii. Conferences (if funding allows) (some are suggested below)
iv. If you can attend public lectures or seminars in person, take the opportunity to speak to the lecturer
v. Undertaking a global health post-graduate degree e.g. DTM&H or MSc can be a very valuable place to build contact as well as develop a specific area of interest.