Please see our article on planning your elective in child health first!
Listen to our podcast on Paediatric Global Health with The Electives network!
ICHG Global Child Health Electives Toolkit
ICHG, its members and and international collaborators have developed a toolkit to support healthcare students on extended child health placements. It has been devised to be a unique guide to your elective in child health and hopes to act as a helpful prompt as you consider the preparation BEFORE, make the most of your experience DURING and support your reflections and development AFTER your elective placement, regardless of the setting. We have also included some illustrative case scenarios, as well as exploring ethics and best practice, child health advocacy and also includes plenty advice from medical students and links to many other helpful resources.
Please feel free to download a copy! We hope it will help you to make the most of your elective in child health.
Please provide us with some feedback about our new toolkit by filling in this short survey - click here.